The Second Half Stewardship Podcast

Do you believe that
God owns it all?

Biblical stewardship is how we intentionally use the resources God has given us to participate in His Kingdom work.

But how do we actually become generous stewards?

Join us every other week as we explore what Biblical stewardship looks like regarding our money, time, relationships, gifts, and experiences.

Plus, get our complementary guide to Biblical giving, and answer the question: “What does the Bible really say about giving?”

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About the podcast

Our mission at Second Half Stewardship is to equip you to be an excellent steward of all that God has given you, bringing you confidence and rest through actionable financial advice and spiritual guidance. Join financial advisors, Spencer & Austin, every other week and explore Biblical Stewardship and what it means to honor God with all the gifts that He has given.

Hosted by

Spencer Hall, CFP®, CKA®, MDiv.

Austin McLaughlin

Get your guide to Biblical giving.

Join our email list to answer your questions about money, tithing, and giving to the poor. We’ll encourage you to trust God by taking steps towards Biblical stewardship, PLUS you’ll be the first to know when each new podcast episode airs.

Get the complementary guide now