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About the podcast

Our mission at Second Half Stewardship is to equip you to be an excellent steward of all that God has given you, bringing you confidence and rest through actionable financial advice and spiritual guidance. Join financial advisors, Spencer & Austin, every other week and explore Biblical Stewardship and what it means to honor God with all the gifts that He has given.

Hosted by

Spencer Hall, CFP®, CKA®, MDiv.

Austin McLaughlin

All Episodes

October, 4th 2022

Ep #01: Welcome to the Second Half Stewardship Podcast!

Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Second Half Stewardship podcast! We believe that God owns…

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October, 4th 2022

Ep #02: No One Can Serve Two Masters

You cannot serve two masters. You will either hate the one and love the other, or you will be…

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November, 15th 2022

Ep #06: How Can We Use Our Money?

Live, Give, Owe, Grow is a general framework from Ron Blue and Kingdom Advisors® which unpacks how…

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October, 4th 2022

Ep #03: How To Make the Most of Your Time

Every day, we are witnesses to time's progression. Daylight comes and goes; night arrives only to…

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October, 18th 2022

Ep #04: Loving God Leads to Loving Your Neighbor

In a culture of radical individualism, how do we lay down our lives for the good of those around…

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November, 1st 2022

Ep #05: God has Designed You to be a Cultivator

Every human is made in the image of God, and He has called us to work with Him to bring about the…

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November, 29th 2022

Ep #07: Faithful stewardship means asking "How much is enough?"

In the United States we are inundated with invitations to spend money. Cars, clothes, and vacations…

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December, 27th 2022

Ep #09: Giving Breaks the Power of Money

Only giving can free us from the power that money has over our lives. We can use money for living…

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December, 13th 2022

Ep #08: Stewardship Requires Reflection and Sacrifice

As Christians, we must be aware of our lifestyle and spending. Stewardship requires of us that we…

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February, 21st 2023

Ep #13: Solitude with Christ Restores our Soul

Jesus, even though he lived 2000 years ago in a time of greater technological simplicity,…

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January, 10th 2023

Ep #10: The Bible on Debt: Is it sin, slavery, or something else?

Debt has become a normal part of our everyday lives. From credit cards to car loans to mortgages,…

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January, 24th 2023

Ep #11: Rejoice in God's Provision When you Pay Taxes

How many times have you rejoiced when it was time to pay your taxes? This is a challenging question…

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February, 7th 2023

Ep #12: Can Christians save too much money?

What does the Bible say about growing and passing on wealth? One of the most challenging money…

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April, 4th 2023

Ep #16: 3 Important questions to ask about the next steward

Who is the next steward? Are they prepared? How much is enough for the next steward?Join Spencer…

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March, 7th 2023

Ep #14: How does corporate worship guide our hearts to love Christ's Kingdom?

We are constantly surrounded of images of the good life. From trends on social media to the mall to…

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March, 21st 2023

Ep #15: Stewards care about and for the Vulnerable

Join Spencer and Austin as they discuss the parable of the Good Samaritan and what it means for…

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May, 2nd 2023

Ep #18: The Unexpected Result of Giving Your Time and Money

The easiest way to do damage to a relationship is through trying to control and manipulate. We all…

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April, 18th 2023

Ep #17: Intentional Discipleship: How to be a good steward of your relationships

Choosing who to invest your time with is an important question for every steward? When you…

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May, 16th 2023

Ep #19: No more striving! Why knowing your worth in God brings contentment in life

Every day people around the world struggle with nagging questions about their identity. Am I…

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August, 22nd 2023

Ep. 026 - Trusting God as Provider: Lessons from the Manna in the Wilderness

Spencer and Austin discuss the common human fear of not having enough and the constant quest for…

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May, 30th 2023

Ep #20: Listening to God about using your gifts for the church

Gifts. Talents. Calling. These are all words that we regularly use to describe what we think that…

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June, 13th 2023

Ep #021: Help! I don't feel joy when I give!

Giving money to church, missions organizations, or other charities can at times feel unsatisfying.…

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June, 27th 2023

Ep #22: Stop asking "How much should I give?" Ask this instead...

Conversations about charitable giving often revolve around how much you should give. What if that…

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July, 11th 2023

Ep #023: Where does the Bible say you should give?

Choosing where to give charitably can be incredibly overwhelming. Friends, churches, and…

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July, 25th 2023

Ep #24: Wisdom in Giving: Seven Things to Consider Before Making a Donation

How can Christians honor God with their giving? In this episode, we explore the crucial topic of…

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August, 8th 2023

Ep. 025 - Finding Peace in a World of Anxiety: Embracing God as our Provider

There is an alarming rise in the levels of anxiety in modern culture, especially after the…

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September, 5th 2023

Ep. 027 - Radical Openness: Financial Wisdom from the Early Church | Acts 2 & 4

Pentecost, and the sending of the Holy Spirit, caused the early church approach to finances…

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September, 19th 2023

Ep. 028 - Guarding Against the Idol of Success: A Biblical Perspective

Can material success and the pursuit of financial independence lead Christians away from their…

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October, 3rd 2023

Ep. 029 - Embracing God as Our Provider: Finding Contentment in All Seasons

In this episode, Austin and Spencer discuss Philippians 4:10-13, exploring the idea of God as our…

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October, 17th 2023

Ep. 030 - What did Jesus say about money? Part 1

Was Jesus neutral about money? Austin and Spencer discuss what Jesus actually taught about money…

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November, 28th 2023

Ep. 033 - Embracing Simplicity: Stewardship in a Material World. Feat. Michael Blue

How are you seeking God's guidance in the ways that you live? Do you spend time pondering eternity…

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October, 31st 2023

Ep. 031 - What did Jesus say about money? Part 2

Austin and Spencer continue their discussion on what Jesus actually taught about money and…

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November, 14th 2023

Ep. 032 - What does it mean to work diligently? Feat. Michael Blue

In this episode, we had the privilege of hosting Michael Blue, a dear friend and mentor. Michael,…

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December, 27th 2023

Ep. 035 - How do you talk with kids about money?

Talking with anyone about money is challenging. Talking with kids about money can be even more…

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December, 12th 2023

Ep. 034 - Responding to God's grace by giving sacrificially. Feat. Michael Blue

Spencer and Austin talk with Michael Blue about sacrificial giving, drawing inspiration from the…

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July, 9th 2024

Ep. 049 - Biblically Responsible Investing: Making Faithful Choices | Eventide Part 2

Investing can often feel like navigating a vast and complex landscape, with countless options and…

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January, 9th 2024

Ep. 036 - A Conversation on Stewardship, Leadership, and Life with Father Aaron

We are honored to have Father Aaron Wright, the rector at Old North Abbey, join us today to talk…

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January, 23rd 2024

Ep. 037 - A Conversation on Stewardship, Leadership, and Life with Father Aaron - Part 2

Join us for part 2 with Father Aaron as we discuss cultivating the soil of the heart. Drawing…

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February, 6th 2024

Ep. 38 - Rescuing the Enslaved: A Journey of Justice and Stewardship

In a world plagued by violence and injustice, there are organizations and individuals who dedicate…

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February, 20th 2024

Ep. 039 - Rescuing the Enslaved: A Journey of Justice and Stewardship - Part 2

In a world often marred by injustice and exploitation, organizations like International Justice…

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March, 5th 2024

Ep. 040 - Nurturing Relationships: Insights from Psychologist Dr. Brian Humphreys

In today's fast-paced world, where relationships are often relegated to the backseat of our busy…

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March, 19th 2024

Ep. 041 - Nurturing Relationships: Insights from Psychologist Dr. Brian Humphreys - Part 2

In a world that often measures success by individual achievements and material possessions, it's…

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April, 2nd 2024

Ep. 042 - The Radical Faith of C.T. Studd: Sacrificing Everything for the Gospel

Amidst a landscape often propelled by material success and personal gain, the life of C.T. Studd…

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April, 16th 2024

Ep. 043 - Trusting God's Provision: The Life and Legacy of George Mueller

In today's blog post, we look at the remarkable life of George Mueller, a man whose story serves…

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April, 30th 2024

Ep. 044 - Radical Generosity: The Inspiring Life of John Wesley

In the annals of Christian history, few figures shine as brightly as John Wesley, whose life was…

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May, 14th 2024

Ep. 045 - Embracing Stewardship Amidst Uncertainty

In our latest episode, "Navigating Uncertainty: Biblical Stewardship in a Social Media World," we…

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May, 28th 2024

Ep. 046 - The Gospel & Microfinance - Interview with Peter Greer of Hope International - Part 1

At Second Half Stewardship, we believe in the transformative power of generosity. Our latest…

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June, 11th 2024

Ep. 047 - Transforming Prayer: Insights from Peter Greer, Co-Author of “Lead with Prayer” - Part 2

In a recent episode of the Second Half Stewardship podcast, we had the privilege of hosting Peter…

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June, 25th 2024

Ep. 048 - Eventide: How Does the World View Investing? | Part 1| New Video Series!

In our latest video series, we embark on a journey to explore the intricate relationship between…

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July, 23rd 2024

Ep. 050 - God as Investor: Investing in Humanity

In today's fast-paced world, the concept of investing is often viewed through a narrow lens focused…

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August, 6th 2024

Ep. 051 - Investing with Purpose: Emulating God's Work in the Garden

In our latest discussion, we dive into a the topic of how to invest and select companies based on…

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August, 20th 2024

Ep. 052 - Investing with Stewardship in Mind: “Keeping the Garden"

With investment opportunities all around us, it’s crucial to pause and consider the impact of our…

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September, 3rd 2024

Ep. 053 - Investing with Purpose: Aligning Business Practices with Biblical Values

When it comes to faith-based investing, many people focus on the types of products and services…

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November, 26th 2024

Coming 11/26/2024 - Ep. 059 - Interview with Andrew Peterson

Stay tuned and mark your calendars for our interview with singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson.

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September, 17th 2024

Ep. 054 - Ethical Investing: Profiting with Integrity

As Christians, financial decisions are no longer just about returns. Being aware of the ethical…

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