Calling all Hutchmoot fans!

What is your story of stewardship?

At Second Half Stewardship, we want you to experience God's heart for generosity. He provides for us lavishly and invites us to be stewards of all of His Gifts.

We believe that God has given each of us an incredible story to tell of His faithfulness. As we trust Him with our money, time, gifts, and relationships, He shows us more of Himself!

We want to hear from you! How has God challenged you to be a generous steward?

Tell us your story!

By submitting your story, you will receive a link to download Second Half Stewardship's guide to biblical generosity and receive emails every other week when we release a new podcast episode.

Stories of Stewardship

SHS Podcast Artwork Redesign Small

Subscribe to the Second Half Stewardship Podcast!

Our mission at Second Half Stewardship is to equip you to be an excellent steward of all that God has given you, bringing you confidence and rest through actionable financial advice and spiritual guidance. Join financial advisors, Spencer & Austin, every other week and explore Biblical Stewardship and what it means to honor God with all the gifts that He has given.

Hosted by

Spencer Hall, CFP®, CKA®, MDiv.

Austin McLaughlin